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Since I was little I loved when my grandparents would come over to my house and see my brother and I. On June 2006, my grandpa named Carlos came over to our house in Coyoacán which is an area in the big city of Mexico City. We all had some Jarritos to drink and ate some traditional Mexican desserts. I began to mess with my dessert and I threw it at my brother and grandpa. My mom yelled at me and told me that what I had done was rude and I needed to apologize. I ignored her but then my grandpa told us to come next to him, I was suspicious but I did it anyway. He began to tickle me and my brother and we laughed so hard and my mom and grandma laughed. Then me and my brother decided to pull his hair, we thought it was hilarious. In the photo you see me laughing from the side and my brother trying to make a normal face, but when I look at this photo I look at my grandpa and I see how happy he was with us. This photo makes me smile,laugh but also cry. I miss this and would do anything to relive this moment.


Abu Carlos

By Maria S.

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