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     Aidan is the team leader for Old But Gold, and does many important jobs for the zine. Aidan is our editor-in-chief and helps to maintain a high quality of work among our writing. He also is a major force behind our website, adding articles and making sure it looks good. He communicates with the CEO, monitors and checks in with the group to make sure everyone understands the directions and responsibilities they are assigned, and also receives and organizes all submissions from the public to the zine. Above all he is a great leader, keeps everyone on task, and keeps everything we do top notch.

     Another key member to the Old But Gold clan is Owen, our technology editor. Owen has many responsibilities for this job. The good part about having him as our technology editor is he is a whiz on the computer. Some of Owen’s very important responsibilities include co-editing the website and all of the physical appearances that will go into it. Owen also searches for tech instructions and solutions when mechanical problems happen and is also responsible for visual appeal, layout, pictures and videos. Lastly he is partly responsible for  any social media needs we might need.

     The last member to our group is Lexie, she is the human resources personnel. Like Aidan our CEO and Owen our technology editor Lexie also has many important jobs in our zine such as marketing and outreach to writers. If our zine, Old but Gold, chooses to expand into  a social media account like Instagram or Twitter, Lexie would be our main director of the social media extensions. Another part of the job as human resources is being creative in advertising for our zine. Lastly, communicating with freelance writers is very important to encourage writing for our great zine.

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