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     On a scuba diving trip to the crystal clear waters at Bora Bora, Aidan met Owen, a scuba diving instructor. On their first dive they saw a girl getting attacked by a shark. She kicked the shark straight in the nose and swam to the surface. They rushed to see if she was ok, and that’s how they met Lexie! They became fast friends and on a second scuba diving trip, they discovered an old trunk lodged in a seabed. They pulled it out and brought it to shore. They carefully opened it up and inside they found hundreds and hundreds of vintage photos. “Woah, these are so cool.” Aidan said, “let’s write stories about these photos!” said Lexie, “I’m down!” Owen added, and that’s how Old But Gold came to be. We came up with this idea because people love being nostalgic and looking back on the past. They yearn for better days, or they just enjoy that special antique touch in the things we show off. We are so excited to share these stories with you, and hope you are just as excited to read them! We have a bright future ahead of us with a huge amount of high quality content coming your way in the form of photo stories and reviews about songs, toys, games, you name it. We also have writing responses toward old ads to look at their impact and what has changed since then. All of our zines will be enjoyable and contain things you actually want to read about. We have a very talented team that puts hard work and love into everything they write, so you can expect our zine to be top-notch. You won’t find anything else like this, so what are you waiting for? Come check out Old But Gold!​


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