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        I’m dedicating this zine to my mother, Tricia Dana. Tricia means so much to me because she’s my mom and gave birth to me. She also helped me grow up to the person I am today, which I’m very thankful for. Im proud to show Tricia Old But Gold because I have been telling her a little bit about it. I hope you like it mom!



        I'm dedicating this zine to my coach, Carl Spina. He has a huge impact on my life every single day. As my coach he pushes me to my limits and has helped me become an entirely different person. He instills in me hard-work, respect, and a general positive atitude in all things so for that I thank him.


Throughout the trimester I’ve been working on a zine. This zine is about things in the past can actually come back into the present and be very interesting. Whether it’s a old photograph or an old advertisement, old but gold will be talking about it. But all of this work isn’t just devoted to just the class, teacher, or everyone that contributed to it, but I’d like to dedicate this zine to my mom. That sounds very original but I actually have reasons why I chose this person to devote my zine to. The reason why i chose this person is because she keeps me going forward, without her I’d probably be doing something else that wouldn’t benefit anything in life. She also is always there for me whenever I need her, whether it’s tackling school or even just at-home situations. I really hope you enjoy this zine.



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