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Old People's Relationships

By Faith N.

Their relationships… Old couples make me smile, I love seeing old couples, it makes me believe that there is still love, that forever is not just a word, and there is always someone who will love you unconditionally. Old couples who are still in love never cease to make me smile, and make me feel that there’s always hope for everyone. Today’s generation is all about comparing their relationships to TV and celebrity relationships, that’s another thing I love about older couples. The older generation valued vows and were more based on appreciating what little they have in life. They realize life is hard and demanding, and if you get a nice thing here and there, you should appreciate it. As you get older, there are less people in your life, you care less about things...all you care about are the things that stood by you all those years.


The stories they tell… Older people offer great advice in their stories, and have encountered some amazing incidents in their life. Life stories of old people can also be very helpful to know why things are the way they are in the present time. The world used to be very different when they were our age so their stories about their childhood and the travels they have gone on. Also older people have great stories about things that happened in the past like wars and the way things used to be run. I feel like all stories that old people tell have a meaning behind them that we can use today, they can help us grow and expand our minds.


How they help you avoid regret… Lots of people are left standing at the graveside of a loved one and wishing they had only spent more time with that person. I don’t ever want to be the person that lives with regrets. They teach you how to appreciate the little things in life, they you might/may never have noticed before without them telling you the deeper importance behind it. They love the company you give them, and honestly you will too.


How they teach me how to have patience… Old people are pretty slow, they talk slower, think slower and definitely walk slower. By waiting for them to transfer their thoughts into words you are learning patience. In today’s world everything is expected to move so fast and get the answer to our questions with a click of a button, to older people who grew up without iphones, ipads, and “I” everything things can wait and don’t need to be done in a split second. The older generation knows what it means to rediscover the lost art of meaningful communication, no matter how long the person takes to speak, they are always patient. Sometimes elderly people are in a rush too, but they know how to balance that need to get something done with patience.


If it’s not the cute old couple sitting down for Sunday lunch then it’s the amazing stories they want to tell you. They can also teach you great lessons like how to not live with regret because of the things you didn't do, or the patience we all know we need at some point or another.


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