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        Sledding is fantastic. Because of where I live I don’t have to travel far to find a hill. Because I live on one! It’s not the biggest hill but it’s still pretty great. This story goes “down” about four or five years ago.

        My brother and I were sledding and then we decided,  “why not take the bike ramp pat snow on it and sled down?” So that is exactly what we did. We ran to get the bike ramp strategically placed it in the top-middle of the hill. When we had our placement we patted snow on it and ran to the top of the hill and got ready to sled down. My brother went down first, and then I followed. Oh man we loved it. We were constantly in motion. Going from the bottom of the hill to the top and back down again. To document our fun my brother got a great picture of me flinging off the bike ramp. I know it’s a puny ramp but when you’re on the sled it feels like you’re ten feet off the ground and it feels like you’re flying. Sledding down with a bike ramp is mega fun. Great memories.


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By Raychel W.

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