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GameCube Memories

By Jared A.

        Have you ever tried something that impacted you for life. As a child I was always trying new things. One of those things was my GameCube. The GameCube was is my favorite console for so many different reasons. These reasons ranged from fun times to bad times. It helped me get along better with my siblings and make lots of fun memories. Looking back the GameCube didn’t have the best games ever made, but they sure changed me to who I am today.

        One of the games I had fond memories with was Mario Kart. As a small child I was terrible at video games and had no idea how to play them. That’s when my sister took a step back from beating me to teaching me. It didn’t work, but I still had fun because of it. This was also the game that really introduced me to the video game world. It showed me the fun that you can have with video games and the endless possibilities it has.  Without it I never would have kept trying other video games.

        One of my all time favorite GameCube games was Pokemon Colosseum. I got this when

I was decent at video games and played it with my sister all the time.  It was because of this game that I got really into video games and pokemon. I even started playing other games on my own now. I also got a lot closer to my sister. We both helped each other out with defeating the enemies and figuring out what to do. We even both agreed to not beat the game without each other. To this day we haven’t beaten this game because of family issues. It’s because of this that I got really into planning for video games.

        Another game I had that changed me for the worst was Super Smash Bros. Melee. It made a negative impact on me because I got really competitive. Every time I played against my brother I lost. I lost enough times that every time I lost I got mad at my brother. It was because of this for the longest time I hated losing and kept playing it to get better.Me and my brother never got along too well, but when playing games together it felt like we did. I never did end up beating him, but because of that I kept on playing it. That’s when my addiction to video games took off.

        In the end the GameCube left an everlasting mark on me. I still have two of these games because I treasure the time I had with them and my siblings. Without the GameCube me and my siblings might never have shared as many fun times as we did.  The GameCube really shaped me into who I am today, a shut-in who plays video games. I like it this way because even though my siblings have moved out, I can still remember the fun we had as I play the newer versions of these games.


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