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        When I was a little girl all I wanted to do was grow   up. I remember being 7 year olds and pretending like   I was 13 years old.  I used to think when you're 13, you   were allowed to drive and be the boss of yourself.  I     remember dressing up in My Mom's heels and her         big shirts and looking in the bathroom mirror and           going,” I’m 13 now, I can do whatever I want”.   I               always wanted to be my boss so I could, wear make     up, eat candy for all meals of the day, and stay up         and watch spongebob for as long as I wanted too.

       One of the ways I pretend to be grown up was           washing my Toy Car.  When I was little my favorite         outdoor toy was my car.  I remember playing with it       all the time.  I used to beg my mom to go outside just   to push it out of the garage and play with it.  We had     a really long, curvy driveway that I could use it with.  I   used to always stop in the grass when I was driving       my car. I would pull up grass and shove it in my car

as “food”.  I would also take chalk and draw a road on the driveway and play traffic officer. With my toy car I would have endless games.  

        Whenever My Mom and I would go to the grocery store I would beg for barbasol shaving cream, and if I was lucky she would buy me it. When she did buy it for me I used to do something special with it.   I would put on my swimsuit and spray my car down with my hose and put the barbasol shaving cream all over it. This would keep me amused for hours at a time. I couldn’t stop until my car was all sparkly clean.  This was an activity that made me feel the most grown up.  I remember watching My Dad spray down his pickup with a hose and clean it with soap. I felt all grown up just like my Daddy when I was cleaning my car.

        The reason why  I like these photos so much is that it reminds me of simpler times.  It reminds me of all the old memories I had in my old house when it was just My Mom, My Dad, and I.  We had so much fun together and I love digging up old pictures like this.  My old house brings back a lot of very meaningful memories in the early years of my life. I believe the the early years in your life should be the most meaningful and full of happy memories.  Your childhood should shape you and you should have it define you. I will always look back at my childhood and be thankful it was so amazing. I know that all my memories shaped who I am and that's something I’m not ashamed off.  My childhood car was more than just a car to me, it’s a part of who I am.  


My Car

By Chloe L.

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