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        At the sight of christmas trees it makes life 10 times better.  I love Christmas.  I love the sight of christmas lights, presents, family, and old traditions.  Every Christmas Eve we go to my grandparents house for brunch and then head over to my relatives house for the rest of the evening.  We get to see cousins, uncles, aunts, and more grandparents.  It was always fun dressing up in little christmas dresses and celebrate with friends and family.  After a long day we head home and get to bed right away.  Waking up I see our beautiful christmas tree lit up with presents surrounding it.  As a family tradition we first have cake for breakfast because we celebrate Jesus’s birthday.  Then we head over to the presents and begin to open them.  Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and it brings back so many memories from my childhood that I will never forget.


My Winter Experience

By Bailey L.

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