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All of our prompts will fall under three categories:


Art: This can include old shows, movies, actual art (sculptures, paintings), plays/dance, games.


Technology:  This can include old electronics like cameras, video games, mechanical things, inventions.


Photos: With all photo prompts an actual old photo should be included, this can range greatly and is pretty much anything else not listed above.



A Pieces


Art The feeling of your stomach dropping as the intense symphony plays the string intruments. You watch the antagonist come out of hiding and reveal himself to the audience and the characters, all of a sudden a dark figure comes out from behind and grabs her! Old But Gold wants your 500+ word writing that tells us about old, intensely scary movies (2000 and earlier) that you might have seen in the past. Also something that your writing should include is an HD photo of you watching your favorite movie. We hope you write for Old But Gold. If you have any questions or want to turn in a paper contact


Technology As a kid, I played a lot of video games, and they helped shape my childhood. Some of my fondest memories come from playing games. What game(s) did you play as a kid? How did they impact your life then, and now? We want you to write a brief explanation of the game(s) and what effect it/they had on your childhood. What memories do you have playing them? Were they happy, sad, did they scare you? Did they get you interested in a topic you might not have otherwise explored? 500+ words and make sure you email a high quality, original photo of your game, or something that has something to do with your game to to provide alongside your writing.


Photos Photos are always around us, all of those photos have a story believe it or not, some photos may seem to have no history or stories behind it but they do. Photos will always have a story, whether it’s about the photo itself or how the photographer took the photo. Photos are always evolving, whether it’s sharper images or even a 3-D photo, but old photos always have one thing in common, they all have stories. We want your photos, we want the story behind that photo too. The photos we are looking for are specifically you as a child doing something interesting. Are you at the fair? Are you celebrating a birthday with your friends? We want you to write about it! Make sure to attach a high definition photo with it or a link to that photo, you can send it to We really want to hear from you and your story!



B Pieces


*For all B pieces, if you would like to make a video, podcast, or other form of entertainment feel free too! Please email us with any questions.


Technology The feeling of getting the vinyl disk that holds all your favorite songs of an artist's and placing is on a record player is a great feeling. Listening to the beautiful sounds that comes from this wonderful machine can be soothing, and a good thing to do at anytime. The record player is a very old form of technology and lately it has been coming back into popularity. We would like you to write for our zine and talk about your favorite vinyl records or record players you have ever come across or owned. We also want stories about listening to vinyl records, rummaging around in a thrift shop to find one, anything!  Please include an HD picture of you vinyl or record player! We hope you write for our zine, if you have any questions please email


Photos I’ve always enjoyed the winter time. As a kid I used to go out every winter and play until I was freezing cold and my mom forced me to come inside. She would always set me in front of the fire and make me a large cup of hot chocolate. We want a picture of you as a kid playing in the snow, or just outside during the wintertime. Write about that experience. What kinds of things did you do during the winter as a kid? Do you have any awesome sledding/skiing stories? Write us! Include an original image of you and email me at


Art Honestly you will always be surrounded by art. Art comes in many forms, whether it’s a book, music, or a painting, art is always around you. One of the best feelings is finding one of your favorite songs from the past (2000 and earlier) and listening to them. We want to know what that song is. What experiences do you have listening to that song? Where were you when you hear it? Send a picture of you listening to your song to We hope to hear from you guys!


Style Guide

Used for all articals in our zine that we own:


Font Size: 23

Color: Grey



Used for large text throughtout the entire website:


Font size: 30

Color: Varies


Effects: Dropletter


Credit to Aidan D. for the logo


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