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        My favorite game as a kid flourished from when I was eight years old. At the time, my sister, Alex, and I were being baby-sat by our nanny, Ms. Amy. One day, she brought her son, Jeremiah, over to our house. He brought his Gamecube with him. He and Alex started playing on it right away, while I did something else. Then after a little while, I decided to check up on Alex and Jeremiah.

        “Hey, what are you playing” I asked.

        “We’re playing Super Smash Bros. Melee.” Alex replied.

        I gazed at the television screen in my sister’s room. I saw what appeared to be video-game characters attacking each other on some sort of battlefield. It looked really interesting.

        “What are these guys doing?” I asked.

        “They are fighting.” Jeremiah replied.

        I decided to stay and watch them play for a while. I found out that the point of the game is to knock your opponent off the battlefield and gain points. Each character had a damage meter and the numbers would go up if a player received damage from an attack. The more damage they have, the easier it is to launch them. And the certain stage, or battleground you’re fighting on can contribute to the gameplay, by provoking stage hazards to the arena. They can also raise damage. Anyway, knock out your opponents to gain points. Get knocked out yourself and you lose points. Whoever had the most points wins the match. After Alex and Jeremiah played a few modes of the game, I asked “May I play?” They said yes.

        So when I started to play, Alex and Jeremiah had to tell me all the different characters you can play as. I chose to play as Ness, a kid with psychic powers. He immediately became my favorite player because he was a kid like me. Then I started to play some matches and got the hang of playing. It was then that I realized that video-games have become my hobby.

While Jeremiah was still visiting us, he sometimes left his Gamecube with us so Alex and I can play for a while. I started to get more used to the game. Then he got the Wii, another game console, and the next “Smash Bros.” game in the series, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The Gamecube got hooked up to my TV in my room, while Alex and Jeremiah played the Wii in Alex’s room. After a while, Ms. Amy and Jeremiah stopped visiting us and the Gamecube was still in my room for me to play.

        Playing Super Smash Bros. Melee, has really made an impact in my life. It turned me into a video-game fanboy, and it made me interested in the Smash Bros. series. I currently have a 3DS and a Wii U where I still play the latest Super Smash Bros. games. And the Gamecube is still at my house, but it’s stored away somewhere and I don’t use it anymore. I still look at Super Smash Bros. Melee on the Internet and I know almost everything about the game, from characters to stages to modes and etc. And that is my story of my favorite game as a kid.


The Time I Played “Super Smash Bros. Melee”

By Adam D.

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